Y and Lieze watched the screen, silent as lambs.
Within moments, the missiles blinked into view and darted like curious, blinking, green, aquatic predators toward the hovering, meatlike blob.
Y barely tried to suppress his high-pitched giggle. “This is my favorite part,” he blurted gleefully. “Ruin!”
Lieze glared lasers of disdain and contempt. “You are zo much like –“ She screwed her face into a gorgeous knot in her attempt to conjure a relevant simile.
Closer swam the sharks.
Y giggled again and stamped his feet on the floor.
“–like boy in zeh kindergarten–” Lieze said.
The blob sat on the screen like a sad tumor. The sharks looked very hungry indeed. Y had to bite his finger to keep from vomiting with the mirth. Stamp stamp stamp.
“–boy who has got gold star–”
The blob sat.
The sharks swam.
Y gagged.
Stamp stamp stamp.
“–for spill no crumbs on table,” Lieze finished with sexy haughtiness, then added, “although boy has actually hid few under plate.” The attractive way she said “actually” sounded as if she were swallowing her tongue.
Y did not hear her. He had passed out.


Tank was running urgently to the cockpit. Everywhere there was noise and red lights. “Parmesan cheese,” she cursed under her breath.
Chef, behind her, was cursing not under his breath.
In the cockpit, neither was Aspirin. Flash was flailing about aimlessly. This was getting on her nerves. “Don’t just stand there, Jake! Do something!” Aspirin was yelling, her hands operating seven levers at once.
In response, Flash went on flailing, this time with a deliberate expression.
Tank and Chef burst in just as a ladder dropped suddenly and mechanically from the cockpit ceiling and Aurora and Marshall descended wearing nightgowns. There was shouting and chaos and a smell of incense and also burnt potatoes.
“What’s going on?” demanded Marshall with authority.
Everyone else pointed at the danger light, except for Flash, who flailed.
Aspirin then motioned to another screen. Everyone looked. Everyone gasped. Tank said “Fontainebleau!”
They were in peril.

3 remarks:

Meagan said...

This is like a seven layer dip of syntax mastery.

Vyra said...

Have I mentioned lately that this is the story I wish I was writing?
Just saying.

Eva LaMon said...

It took me two minutes of attempted calm to stop laughing.
I am so unbelievably amused and murderously jealous.
How on Earth did you get so good?
Please tell me so I can steal whatever ancient power you've used to attain this level of awesome.

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